Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hospital Visit

This morning our group visited the hospital here in Augsburg, specifically focusing on the Siemens technology that are employed in the clinic. We split into three groups while with our German counterparts, and toured the MRI, CT scan, and another high-tech scanner.

Each of these pieces of technology were very fascinating and amazing to see. We learned how important and critical each was to the treatment of patients at the clinic, which is one of the largest hospitals in the area. These machines aid in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions ranging from shoulder injuries to brain aneurisms and are central to operations at the hospital.

A critical piece of information we took away was the process by which the scanners are purchased. To begin the process, the hospital puts together a description of what features they need in their new piece of equipment and sets a list of requirements it must meet. Then, the hospital notifies the public and collects bids from companies. After examining each offer and possibly observing the equipment in action, the hospital must buy the piece of equipment that fits all necessities and is the lowest-priced option. This will be an important idea to keep in mind as we tour Siemens tomorrow.

After this tour, we worked on our project with our German team members on the University of Augsburg campus, and now we have a little down time back at the hotel before we go to dinner (and hopefully get some ice cream since it is such a nice day out).

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