Friday, May 16, 2014

The Last Day

The hall of tombs and plaques in the
Today was a very bittersweet day. I could not believe how fast the last two weeks had flown by! This morning we didn't have anything planned, so I decided to sleep in a little. Then, once I woke up, I went for a jog in the park and headed into the city. I walked around the city, purchasing a couple souvenirs and making a stop at the cathedral to look at it once more. I found a cool hallway that had a ton of tombs and plaques (none of which I could read, but cool none the less).

A small stream in the park
Next, I met up with a couple guys and got döners for lunch, something I will truly miss when I'm back in the states. These Turkish fast-food sandwiches are delicious, and a couple of us were joking about opening a döner kebab restaurant when we get back. We then walked around the city a while, got ice cream, and headed back to the hotel. I packed, and then went for a stroll in the park since it was such a beautiful day.

Another small stream in the park
We then got dinner at Enchilada, a Mexican restaurant in town. It was super delicious! A few of the girls put together awards for the trip, and I was awarded Best (Male) Sweetheart and Best Selfie! I was very honored by these awards. Then, we went and got ice cream again (don't judge me!) and a few of us went and played pool at a little pool house. It was a good time. I am now back at the hotel, about to fall asleep, not looking forward to the long return plane ride, although it will be nice to not have to pay for water when I'm back home.

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